Speaker resources

An insight into speaking for Bayer
When Healthcare Professionals are speaking at any Bayer event, either digitally or in person, it is the responsibility of Bayer to ensure that the content of any presentation is compliant with the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice.
We recognise that this process is not necessarily clear to those outside of Bayer, so to help facilitate our approval process we have created this short video which looks at the key points you should consider when preparing for and presenting at Bayer events
Speakers - past and present
Learn more about the expert speakers Bayer have worked with in the past and present.
- Dr Diana Mansourexpand_more
- Dr Diana MansourConsultant in Community Gynaecology and Reproductive Health Care, FSRH Senior Vice President, New Croft Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
Dr Diana Mansour is a Consultant in Community Gynaecology and Reproductive Health Care and Associate Clinical Lecturer at the University of Newcastle since 1997. In addition Dr Mansour is the Senior Vice President for the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Dr Mansour was the first accredited subspecialty trainee in Community Gynaecology and Reproductive Health Care of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Dr Mansour is first author to over 90 peer-reviewed publications and has most recently published in Contraception and the BMJ SRH.
Dr Mansour’s areas of expertise include acceptability of contraceptive methods, non-contraceptive benefits of contraception, development of long-term methods of contraception, changes in health service provision, medical management of menstrual disorders and management of the menopause.
- Dr Anne Connolly MBEexpand_more
- Dr Anne Connolly MBEGPSI gynaecology, CCG Board lead for maternity, children and young people NHS Bradford.
Having survived a two year posting to a mission hospital in rural Zimbabwe, Anne returned to general practice in inner-city Bradford in 1990 and is currently working as a GP providing care for asylum seekers, refugees, homeless populations and sex workers.
She is a GPSI in gynaecology, accredited as a hysteroscopist and FSRH trainer. She has been involved with commissioning since 2006 with remit for maternity, women’s, children and young people’s healthcare.
Anne is chair of the PCWHF and RCGP Clinical Champion for Women’s Health. She is also co-editor of Women’s Health in Primary Care.
- Dr Asha Kasliwalexpand_more
- Dr Asha KasliwalClinical Director and Consultant in Community Gynaecology & Reproductive Healthcare.
Dr Asha Kasliwal is the President of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). As President, she is able to combine her passion for women’s health with the opportunity to influence on a national platform.
She is based in Manchester and works as a Consultant in Community Gynaecology and Reproductive Healthcare and Clinical lead for the citywide contraceptive and community gynaecology service.
Dr Kasliwal has driven an ambitious modernisation programme in Manchester and has championed multidisciplinary working with medical support to extend the role of nurses.
Dr Kasliwal’s areas of expertise include community gynaecology, quality of care and clinical standards, support for commissioning contraception and sexual health services, menopause and hormone replacement therapy. She has been a specialist member on the NICE committees which published Quality Standards for ‘Contraceptive Services’ and ‘Sexual Health’.
- Dr Sarah Grayexpand_more
- Dr Sarah GrayGP specialist in Women’s Health Cornwall.
Dr Sarah Gray has spent over 30 years delivering women’s health in primary care settings. She ran an NHS menopause referral clinic for 15 years until this was decommissioned to save funding costs in 2016. She now provides support to GP practices in Cornwall, but most clinical work has moved to the private sector.
Sarah was a British Menopause Society Council Member for 10 years. She helped to develop NICE guidance and quality standards for heavy menstrual bleeding. Currently she provides clinical governance to the public heath arm of Cornwall Council, is a director of the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum and a Training Program Director for the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health.
- Dr Jane Davisexpand_more
- Dr Jane DavisGP with a special interest in women’s health NHS South West.
Jane is a doctor working in Cornwall. She is GP and Specialty Doctor in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. She is a FSRH registered trainer, BMS Menopause Specialist and PPMC tutor. Jane loves teaching and is a board member of the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum. She is the Medical Editor of “Her Life Her Health” and heads the PCWHF’s public facing website, “Rock My Menopause”.
- Dr Radhika Vohraexpand_more
- Dr Radhika VohraGP with a special interest in women’s health and education.
Dr Vohra qualified from the University of Birmingham Medical School (MBChB) and works as a NHS GP in Caterham and Private GP at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital. Whilst enjoying all the challenges of General Practice, her special interests have been in Women’s Health and Education; she is a Faculty Registered Trainer for the FSRH, Speaker, NHS England Appraiser, GP Representative to the Newson Health Menopause Society and Medical Trustee to The Menopause Charity. Dr Vohra believes educating Health professionals on the challenges all women face at each stage of their hormone journey is crucial to providing effective and quality care. She is fluent in English, Punjabi and Hindi.
- Dr Kate Armitageexpand_more
- Dr Kate ArmitageMB BCh , DRCOG, DipGUM, PGA Med Ed, MRCGP, FFSRH GP, Leeds Student Medical Practice since 2008.
Clinical Lead for Sexual and Reproductive Health, FSRH Faculty Registered Trainer. Clinical Lead for Student Primary Care Network for Gender Identity Education Convenor, Student Health Association.
FSRH Regional Training Advisor for Yorkshire/Humber 2018 2019. FSRH Honorary Secretary 2015-2017 and Council member 2011-2017.
Awarded FFSRH in 2018 RCGP-Past clinical lead for Introductory Certificate in Sexual Health 2012-2016, and was past member of (now closed) Sex Drugs and BBV group.
- Dr Zara Haiderexpand_more
- Dr Zara HaiderConsultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Kingston Hospital NHS Trust.
Dr Haider is a Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. She graduated from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School in 1994. She trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for 10 years, in the South West Thames region and spent 2 years working in Genitourinary Medicine at St. Georges Hospital and at the Haven (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) Camberwell. She completed her Subspecialty Training in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare at the Margaret Pyke Centre in London including a year as a Darzi Fellow. She was appointed as a Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare at Kingston Hospital in 2012.
Dr Haider is a member of FSRH Council and is the liaison between the Board of Trustees and FSRH Council. She is a Faculty Registered Trainer and Faculty Registered Trainer Advisor for South West Thames, an educational supervisor for a CSRH trainee and the past chair of the FSRH Meetings Committee.
- Dr Aamena Salarexpand_more
- Dr Aamena SalarMedical Director Modality Community Services LLP. GP Partner Modality Partnerships. DRCOG, DFSRH, PG Dip Community Gynaecology, PG Cert Diagnostic Hysteroscopy.
Dr Salar developed an interest in Women’s Health as a GP registrar in Birmingham. She went on to complete the FSRH and DRCOG during her training and subsequently went on to complete Community Gynaecology Diploma and Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Diploma from Bradford University.
Dr Salar was given the opportunity to pilot a new Gynaecology service as part of the Vanguard 5 year Forward Plan project. 4 years on that service is still running and commissioned via SWBH NHS Trust. The team has now expanded, and she has opportunity to train other GPs and Nurses to join the team.
- Dr Cindy Farmerexpand_more
- Dr Cindy FarmerChair, General Training Committee, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare.
Cindy works as an Associate Specialist in an integrated sexual health service where she is also the General Training Programme Director for FSRH training. Her specialist interests include complex contraception. Cindy runs a complex implant removal service and is currently working with the FSRH to develop a letter of specialist competence (LoSC) in complex implant removals.
Cindy is Chair of the FSRH General Training Committee and during her tenure she has overseen the redesign and launch of the new DFSRH, introduced the insertion-only letter of competence in sub-dermal implants - to facilitate immediate initiation of LARC after pregnancy, widened the routes to becoming a Faculty Registered Trainer, and reviewed the training pathway for the LoC IUT and introduced changes which she will be discussing in this meeting.
She is a named Educational Supervisor in FSRH and is the Joint SAS Tutor for her trust. In 2018, they successfully negotiated the local re-opening of the Associate Specialist grade which had been closed nationally, to new entries, since 2008.
- Dr Karen Kirkhamexpand_more
- Dr Karen KirkhamMBBS DRCOG
Karen has been a GP for 25 years, now senior partner in a large practice, and combines this with a senior leadership role with Dorset CCG as Assistant Clinical Chair. She is part of the Senior Leader Team in Dorset as Clinical Lead for the Dorset Integrated Care System (ICS).
A strong and credible clinical leader with significant executive level experience, detailed knowledge of both commissioning and delivery of healthcare at scale, Karen is a change leader for the Dorset health system, helping shape and deliver health and care services within the ICS.
She has been a leader of the Clinical Services Review team, worked on acute and community reconfiguration and is currently focussing on redesign, transformation and delivery of the Integrated Community Services and Primary Care component of Dorset’s STP, which underpins the transformation agenda.
As the ICS Primary Care Clinical Lead she has a strong interest in implementing new care models, has a strong interest in driving innovation through the use of digital technology, integrating services across the system, ensuring high quality and sustainable General Practice as a fundamental building block within the ICS and developing population health analytics and management systems. She is the clinical sponsor for Population Health Management within the Dorset system.
From 2018-2020 she has been a National Clinical Advisor for Primary care with the NHSE System Transformation team, working to support both ICS and STPs to spread innovation and new ways of working and with a special interest in leadership and workforce. She has worked to support the development of Primary Care Networks as a strong foundation for the NHS, and is passionate about strengthening both General Practice and the wider community offer.
- Dr Farah Chaudhryexpand_more
- Dr Farah ChaudhryConsultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
Dr Farah Chaudhry returned home to Yorkshire having studied in Cambridge and completing her training in London. She worked as a GP in Leeds for 10 years with an interest in Women’s Health which subsequently evolved into a full-time career in SRH. Farah has had a varied career and has worked as Consultant SRH and Contraceptive lead at Salford Royal, Bradford & Kirklees Sexual Health services.
Farah is delighted to now be working as Consultant SRH for Leeds Sexual Health and Surgeon for Leeds BPAS, in her home-town.
Throughout her practice, Farah has maintained an interest and passion for training and development. She has been CEU Guideline Fellow, Joint Faculty Regional Training Advisor for Yorkshire & Humber, General Training Programme Director, MFSRH Examiner, SAS Tutor and CESR Evaluator for the FSRH. Farah is a busy parent to 3 lovely daughters who are a constant reminder of the important things in life.
- Dr Madeleine Crowexpand_more
- Dr Madeleine CrowSpecialist Registrar in Community Sexual and Reproductive Health
Madeleine is a Specialist Registrar in Community Sexual and Reproductive Health in Leeds. She studied medicine at the University of Birmingham medical school but moved to West Yorkshire for foundation year training.
After a year out of practice to obtain an MSc at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Research, Madeleine started community sexual and reproductive health specialty training in Leeds.
She has a special interest in outreach work, menopausal medicine and postnatal contraception.
- Dr Kay McAllisterexpand_more
- Dr Kay McAllisterLead Clinician for SRH in the service
Kay has been a Consultant in Sandyford Sexual Health Services since 2001. She is currently the Lead Clinician for SRH in the service, as well as the lead for Menopause and Vasectomy services. She is a member of the West of Scotland Sexual Health MCN and NHS GGC Gynaecology guideline groups, NHS GGC ADTC as well as chairing the Sandyford Guideline group. Over the years, she has been on the Editorial Board of TOG for RCOG, FSRH module guardian for vasectomy, national panels for FSRH guidelines and Scottish contraceptive procurement.
- Dr Julie Oliverexpand_more
- Dr Julie OliverGP, LARC trainer and educator in Durham.
Julie Oliver works part time as a GP in Durham, she is a LARC trainer and educator and is commissioned to provide a community gynaecology service.
She has worked for different educational providers at local and national level teaching all aspects of women's health related to primary care. She is the Clinical Director of the Primary Care Women's Health Forum and runs her own business "Durham Gynae". When she isn't working she loves watching gymnastics and athletics.
- Dr Naomi Hamptonexpand_more
- Dr Naomi HamptonConsultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care. London, United Kingdom.
Naomi Hampton has worked in women’s health since 1987. An MRCOG elective year with Professor John Newton sparked an interest in Reproductive Health which grew as a Research Fellow at the Margaret Pyke Centre working on studies with the progestogen element of hormone replacement therapy. In 1993 she was appointed as the fourth Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare in the UK.
She created the first Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Service in London in 1997 and worked as its Clinical Director. Her main interests are intra-uterine contraception and services for Young People. She has been the Consultant in Ealing for 18 years and is the SRH Lead for Brent, Ealing, Harrow and Hillingdon.
- Dr Ursula Masonexpand_more
- Dr Ursula MasonElective Care Lead for Gynaecology, Eastern Federations Belfast.
Dr Ursula Mason is a GP in Carryduff, a suburban practice close to Belfast. She has interests in women’s health, prescribing and education. In 2017 Dr Mason became involved in the design and set up of primary care gynaecology clinics within Belfast. Since then these successful clinics have rolled out to other areas in Northern Ireland delivering clinical capacity, peer support and training to primary care colleagues.
- Mr James Woolgarexpand_more
- Mr James WoolgarLocal Authority Commissioner Liverpool.
As the commissioning lead for Sexual Health for Liverpool, James has a wealth of experience working at a local, regional and now national level. He is responsible for designing and commissioning a wide range of services and for leading a series of programmes and strategic groups to address sexual ill-health.
He has developed excellent relationships with providers in order to improve the way they deliver services and achieve better quality outcomes for patients and the wider population.
James is the Chair of the Liverpool Sexual Health Strategic Network which is developing a new sexual health strategy for the city, and is leading the work on Liverpool’s HIV and AIDS Eradication Plan and led on Liverpool’s recent bid to declare itself an HIV Fast Track City.
He has led on a number of redesign and integration programmes and has recently presented at the English HIV & Sexual Health Commissioners Group (EHSHCG) to highlight a new approach to LARC in Primary Care which was developed to improve the local provision offered through Pharmacies and GPs.
James is committed to developing sexual health services for the people that he serves and now has the privilege of representing the North of England on the English HIV & Sexual Health Commissioners Group (EHSHCG) nationally.
- Dr Juhi Tandonexpand_more
- Dr Juhi TandonClinical Director Cognitant, Salaried GP at The Simpson Centre Buckinghamshire.
Dr. Juhi Tandon qualified from University College London in 2005 and is a practising GP in Buckinghamshire. Juhi has a specialist interest in Women’s Health and has been running a contraception clinic in general practice for almost ten years. She also holds a dermatology diploma and is an avid educator involved with teaching the junior doctors attached to primary care.
Juhi is passionate about helping patients to take control of their health, enabling them to make informed decisions about their well-being. She is Clinical Director at Cognitant Group leading the clinical team, working to identify and tackle unmet needs for patients across primary and secondary care.
- Mrs Rebecca Lawdayexpand_more
- Mrs Rebecca LawdayConsultant Forensic Psychologist, HCPC Registered Practitioner Psychologist.
Rebecca Lawday is a Consultant Forensic Psychologist with Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, where she is associate to the Medical Director, acting as Named Professional for safeguarding children and adults. Rebecca was the lead psychologist for medium secure women’s services at the East Midlands Centre for Forensic Mental Health for 15 years, moving into independent practice two years ago as Director at Lawday Psychology Consulting Ltd.
Rebecca also holds an honorary position as (Consultant) Assistant Professor with the University of Nottingham, School of Medicine, with whom she collaborates on applied research and coordinating the supervision of forensic psychology doctoral trainees. Previous roles include psychologist in the high secure prison estate, community adult, older adult and with CAMHS. Her areas of special interest include complex trauma / personality disorder, family violence, women’s offending and mental health, and the relationship between mental and physical health, especially as it pertains to self-injury.
Rebecca has consulted with health and social care in respect of Confirmation Bias and the implications for safeguarding children and adults at risk, and is interested to join the conversation about how unconscious bias might also have implications for women’s choice in respect of their reproductive health.
- Dr Stephanie Cookexpand_more
- Dr Stephanie CookGPwSI in Women’s Health Liverpool
Stephanie is a GPwSI in Women’s Health, passionate about women’s health and improving access to services for women in primary care. She is involved with the development and delivery of women’s health hubs across Liverpool, alongside the promotion and provision of LARC training for Liverpool.
- Mrs Sally Robertsexpand_more
- Mrs Sally RobertsGeneral Practice Nurse within reproductive and sexual health
Sal has had a varied career working both as a midwife running a homebirth team and labour ward co-ordinator and as a Consultant Nurse within reproductive and sexual health.
Now she works part-time in General Practice providing contraception, LARC fitting, sexual health and Menopause services, she also teaches: the FSRH diploma, letters of competence for both Implants and IUT in addition to a variety of reproductive health courses for health professionals and the general public.
Outside of work she enjoys being a foster mum to orphaned cats and kittens, caring for her two rescue dogs and 8 cats and escaping with her husband for weekends away in their campervan.
- Mr Scott McKenzie expand_more
- Mr Scott McKenzieScott McKenzie UK Ltd NHS Industry Advice, Training and Management Consultancy
Scott provides support to both new and established Primary Care Networks (PCNs), GP Federations, and Super Practices, aiding them in achieving financially sustainable solutions while delivering excellent patient outcomes. Additionally, he assists the Pharmaceutical Industry in gaining a comprehensive understanding of and access to the NHS.
Scott collaborates with various PCNs, GP Federations, and Provider Companies to ensure their proper formation and swift initiation of high-quality patient care. This approach guarantees that his clients can establish enduring partnerships and businesses that benefit both themselves and the NHS while prioritizing patient welfare.
Scott's primary objective is to drive substantial change within the NHS, focusing on integrated care across primary, secondary, and community services.
PP-PF-WHC-IUS-GB-0063 | February 2024