Events & Webinars

How to develop a sustainable women’s health service

Running an IUD/S service, managing capacity and supporting the IUT fitter


Learning objectives:

  • How can the Women’s Health hubs model support the IUT fitter?
  • Who do you collaborate with to build the hub and offer the capacity required?
  • Financial viability of running an IUD/S service – making it work
Our speakers
    • Dr Stephanie Cook_02
      Dr Stephanie Cook
      GPwSI in Women’s Health Liverpool

    I am a GPwSI in Women’s Health. I am passionate about women’s health and improving access to services for women in primary care. I am involved with the development and delivery of women’s health hubs across Liverpool. I am also involved in the promotion and provision of LARC training for Liverpool.

    • Scott McKenzie
      Mr Scott McKenzie
      Scott McKenzie UK Ltd NHS Industry Advice, Training and Management Consultancy

    Scott provides support to both new and established Primary Care Networks (PCNs), GP Federations, and Super Practices, aiding them in achieving financially sustainable solutions while delivering excellent patient outcomes. Additionally, he assists the Pharmaceutical Industry in gaining a comprehensive understanding of and access to the NHS.

    Scott collaborates with various PCNs, GP Federations, and Provider Companies to ensure their proper formation and swift initiation of high-quality patient care. This approach guarantees that his clients can establish enduring partnerships and businesses that benefit both themselves and the NHS while prioritizing patient welfare.

    Scott's primary objective is to drive substantial change within the NHS, focusing on integrated care across primary, secondary, and community services.

PP-PF-WHC-IUS-GB-0058 | February 2024

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