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Service Optimisation & Formulary

Working in partnership with the NHS to improve patient outcomes through the delivery of efficient and sustainable healthcare

Working in partnership with the NHS To improve patient outcomes through the delivery of efficient and sustainable healthcare

Bayer recognises the challenges facing the NHS at this difficult time and is proud to continue to build partnerships and collaborate with NHS organisations to address the needs of now but also the needs of the future.

This site has been developed to support senior managers, decision-makers and policy makers within the NHS optimise health outcomes for their patients and population by creating and developing tools and resources specific to their role and with their objectives in mind.

Whether this is effectively implementing new and existing medicine policy, supporting with post COVID recovery, improving outcomes in population health, tackling inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access, or enhancing productivity and value for money, Bayer aims to work with you to deliver direct and measurable benefit.

Bayer is working with the NHS to:

Optimising Patient Journeys & Health Systems
To improve pathway management and optimise patient journeys by improving efficiency.
PP-MACS-GB-0318, November 2024
Advancing Equitable & Sustainable Healthcare
Bayer developed resources to support reduction in variation, health inequalities and to optimise treatment in the NHS.
PP-MACS-GB-0319, November 2024
Formulary and support resources
Helping you implement new and existing medicine policy
PP-MACS-GB-0325, February 2025

We aim to deliver efficient and sustainable healthcare with an emphasis on partnership and true end-to-end service improvement across multiple therapy areas. With the introduction of digital health technology innovations, we also aim to highlight how these technologies can be adopted to underpin the health sector and better support the NHS as we seek to transform the health and wellbeing of patients.

Our core values


PP-MACS-GB-0162 | July 2024