Endometrial hyperplasia
What is endometrial hyperplasia?
Endometrial hyperplasia is broadly defined as an excessive cellular proliferation leading to an increased volume of endometrial tissue. It is characterised by an increase in the endometrial gland-to-stroma ratio greater than 1:1.
Endometrial hyperplasia is further classified as simple or complex, with or without atypia. This classification system is based on the complexity and crowding of the glandular architecture.
The most common presenting symptom of endometrial hyperplasia is abnormal uterine bleeding, including:
- Menorrhagia
- Intermenstrual bleeding
- Postmenopausal bleeding
- Unscheduled bleeding on hormone replacement therapy
However, endometrial hyperplasia can also be asymptomatic and can spontaneously regress without being detected.
Histological classification of endometrial hyperplasia
- Normal endometrium, Endometrial hyperplasiaexpand_more
Adapted from Palmer JE, et al. Obstet Gynecol 2008; 10:211-216.
- Hisological classification: Proliferative endometriumexpand_more
- Glands are tubular and regularly spaced in Glanstroma
- Glands are lined with pseudostratified nuclei
- Mitotic figures are easily found in glands and stroma
Adapted from Palmer JE, et al. Obstet Gynecol 2008; 10:211-216.
- Hisological classification: Simple hyperplasiaexpand_more
- Irregular glands varying in size and shape, set in abundant stroma
- Cystic glands present
- Glandular cells show nuclear pseudostratification
- No nuclear atypia
Adapted from Palmer JE, et al. Obstet Gynecol 2008; 10:211-216.
- Hisological classification: Complex hyperplasiaexpand_more
- Glands are closely packed
- Stroma is relatively sparse
- Nuclei are uniform, oval and psuedostratified
- Nucleoli are indistinct
Adapted from Palmer JE, et al. Obstet Gynecol 2008; 10:211-216.
- Hisological classification: Complex atypical hyperplasiaexpand_more
- Glands irregular and tightly packed
- Lack of stroma
- Nuclei are large and vesicular
- Prominent nucleoli
Adapted from Palmer JE, et al. Obstet Gynecol 2008; 10:211-216.
Aetiology and risk factors
Oestrogen stimulates endometrial proliferation.A relative excess of oestrogen (exogenous or endogenous) compared with progesterone is considered to be one of the principle causes in endometrial hyperplasias.
Key risk factors in post-menopausal women include:
- Unopposed oestrogen,
- Obesity, particularly in nulliparous women,
Other risk factors include:
- Diabetes,
- Hypertension
- Polycystic ovary syndrome,
Incidence and diagnosis
Mirena® (levonorgestrel 52mg intrauterine delivery system) is the only levonorgestrel intrauterine system licensed for four years for endometrial protection during oestrogen replacement therapy (ERT)
Efficacy and safety profile
The efficacy of Mirena® in preventing oestrogen-induced hyperplasia in peri-menopausal and postmenopausal women has been assessed in various studies.
- No hyperplasia was detected in any of the trials, regardless of dose, method of administration of oestrogen component or duration of therapy.
- Mirena® significantly decreased menstrual bleeding compared with conventional oral hormone replacement therapy (P=0.001, N=200).
- Continuing Mirena® use during the transition from contraception to ERT has no known additional adverse events on the vaginal bleeding profile.
- The proportion of patients who had difficulties in coping with any items from the Women's Health Questionnaire decreased over time, during both the contraception and ERT phases with Mirena®.
PP-PF-WHC-IUS-GB-0077 | August 2024
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