Proven stroke prevention, in high-risk NVAF patients with diabetes
Beverly Bostock explores NVAF detection in type 2 diabetic patients, and discusses treatment optimisation and adherence for NVAF with once-daily Xarelto.
Baseline characteristics of patients treated with Xarelto in ROCKET AF [1]
Optimising adherence to anticoagulation:
Click here to learn more about optimising adherence to anticoagulation for adult patients with NVAF
Not all patients are the same. What matters the most to you?
NVAF, non-valvular atrial fibrillation; DOAC, direct oral anticoagulant.
* Rivaroxaban is to be used with caution in patients with CrCl 15 - 29 ml/min and in patients with renal impairment concomitantly receiving other medicinal products which increase rivaroxaban plasma concentrations. Use is not recommended in patients with CrCl < 15 ml/min.
** based on prospective real-world evidence where elderly is defined as 80 years or older, SAFIR-AC. Results of ROCKET-AF elderly patient sub-analysis were consistent with overall ROCKET-AF study.
† Diabetic patients with atrial fibrillation had reported stroke rates ranging from 3.6–8.6% per year.
Use of rivaroxaban is not recommended in those with end stage renal impairment (creatinine clearance <15mL/min). Rivaroxaban can be used in those with a creatinine clearance 15–29 mL/min, provided it is done with caution. Rivaroxaban should also be used with caution in patients with renal impairment concomitantly receiving other medicinal products which increase rivaroxaban plasma concentrations.
RP-XAR-GB-5138 | February 2024
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